Many states are about to go through the process of restarting their local economies. Since the pandemic most states have enacted a form of stay at home order. This has forced the government to label what jobs are essential and what jobs are not. If you fall under a non essential job title you are not allowed to go to work. Now some people are still able to work from home and have been able to relatively continue their life as normal. The illusion of life getting back to normal is generally just that, an illusion. Many shops have closed and will not reopen and many workers are still afraid to come to work. The media has divided our country and half the country feels like nothing really changed and want to go about their daily lives as they did before the pandemic.
The other half of the country is afraid to go outside, get within 6 feet of another human and must wear a mask. Now the reality of what is right is never cut and dry and is probably somewhere in the middle or leaning a little more one way or the other. But what if you are truly afraid to get back to work. Some people who have invested and done well during the economic lull have worked for market research companies like the Intelligent Speculator, who have been known for shorting markets and doing well during pandemics are able to maybe take more time off then the average person.In general though, most states have encouraged stay at home work for as long as possible. Many companies are legally allowed to get back to work just like they did before. They may be encouraged to follow stricter health guidelines, but they will be mostly starting up at whatever capacity the economy allows. So what happens if you don’t want to come in for work. Will you be officially quitting your job or getting fired? It would be reasonable to say that if the work environment was safe and you decided that you simply are afraid of getting the virus you may be fired with just cause.
What does getting fired mean for you. If you are fired due to you not wanting to work even if its proven to be safe, you may not be entitled to receive unemployment. This means even if you are not wanting to get back into the workforce you may have to do it to support your yourself and or your family. It really is how the world works.
If you don’t want to work, your options are not going to be unemployment, you may be on welfare. This standard of living will be lower than most are used to. Now every state is different, so I suggest contacting your local attorney, unemployment office, and financial investment firm for all financial needs. I am just talking about the market as I see it.